Woman shields son from black bear eating birthday picnic in Mexico
A woman in Mexico shielded
her son after a bear leaped
on to a picnic
table, inches from his face, and devoured
the tacos
and enchiladas meant for his birthday dinner. Silvia Macías of Mexico City had travelled to the Chipinque Park on the outskirts
of the northern city of Monterrey to celebrate the 15th birthday of her son, Santiago, who has Down’s syndrome
. Soon after they sat down to eat, the bear showed up and gulped
down french
, enchiladas
, tacos and salsa
. A video shot by her friend Angela Chapa shows Macías sitting stoically
, inches from the bear’s mouth, holding Santiago and shielding his eyes with her hand. Macías kept her eyes downcast
to avoid anything the bear might consider a challenge.
shield 保护;遮挡
leap 跳跃;剧变
picnic 野餐
devour 吞食
tacos 墨西哥卷饼
outskirt 边缘;郊外(skirt 裙子)
syndrome 并发症(drome- = run)
gulp 吞咽
french fries 最初起源于比利时,但在美国被称为 "French fries" 可能是因为在英语中 "French" 一词常用于指代与法国相关的事物
fry 油炸的
enchilada 玉米饼
salsa 洋葱做的辣调味酱
stoic 人名;斯多葛派的,禁欲主义;坚忍的
stoically 坚忍地
downcast 沮丧的(垂头丧气的,低头)