Monster hunters are conducting the largest search of Loch Ness in more than 50 years
Researchers and monster hunters are gathering in the United Kingdom's Scottish Highlands this weekend to look for the eternally
Loch Ness Monster, the biggest search for the legendary beast
in more than 50 years. Somewhere beneath
the shimmering
surface of Loch Ness lies Nessie, the legendary sea beast whose reputation
spans nearly 1,500 years — at least, that's what monster hunters and Nessie enthusiasts
from around the world hope to prove Saturday and Sunday. The Loch Ness Centre and the research group Loch Ness Exploration are asking all aspiring
monster hunters to join in on the biggest search since 1972.
loch 湖
eternally 永恒地,永远地(eternal adj.;eternity n.)
elusive 难以捉摸的(elude 逃避;难倒了人)
beast 野兽
beneath 介词prep. 在...下方⬇️(neath- = below,下面)【正式】
underneath prep. 在...下面【口语】
nether 下面的
nest 巢🪹
shimmer 闪光(词源同 shine)
reputation 名望;名誉
repute 名望;名气;vt. 认为
enthusiast 热心玩家;狂热者(en- 进入;thus- = theo 神)
aspire 渴望;立志(spire- = breathe,呼吸,引申为渴望)