Unilever Tries Reformulating Its Ice Cream to Survive Warmer Freezers
2023年2月24日小于 1 分钟
Unilever PLC wants to warm up its ice cream freezers in convenience stores without turning its products into puddles, part of a broader effort to pursue green goals and potentially boost sales in the process. The consumer packaged goods giant, which sells ice cream brands including Ben & Jerry’s and Magnum, is testing the performance of its products in freezers that are set to temperatures of roughly 10 degrees Fahrenheit, up from the industry standard of zero.
联合利华(Unilever PLC)希望将便利店的冰淇淋冰柜升温,但不使其产品融化成水,这是其追求绿色目标大背景下的一部分努力,联合利华也希望在此过程中促进销售。 这家销售 Ben & Jerry's 和梦龙等冰淇淋的消费品巨头,正在测试其产品在温度设置在约 10 华氏度(-12 摄氏度)的冰柜中的表现,而冰淇淋的行业标准是设置在零华氏度(-17.8 摄氏度)。
reformulate v. 重新设计,重新制定
freezer n. 冷冻柜,冰柜
puddle n. 水洼