“Swiftposium”: Australia to host academic conference on Taylor Swift
Australia is set to fulfil
student Swifties’ wildest dreams when it hosts an international academic symposium
in 2024 devoted
to the global cultural and economic impact of Taylor Swift. The three-day “Swiftposium”, hosted by the University of Melbourne from 11 to 13 February 2024, coincides
with the singer’s Eras tour, which kicks off in Australia at the Melbourne Cricket Ground on 16 February. Organised by scholars
from seven Australian and New Zealand universities, Swiftposium is billed as an “academic conference for scholars to engage
in critical
about Swift’s popularity and its profound
for a range of issues including gender, fandom
, popular culture, literature, the economy, the music industry, and more”.
conference 会议
academic conference 学院研讨会
fulfil 实现;满足
symposium 讨论会;研讨会
Swiftposium 合成词,斯威夫特研讨会
deote 献身;投入(vote- = vow,发誓;加强发誓,也就是投入)
coincide 与什么同步(co- 共同,in- 使,cid- 落下)
scholar 学者
engage 答应;参加,从事
critical 批判的
dialogue 对话
profound 深远的(found- = base,基础)
implication 含义;暗示;影响