Beijing Book Fair showcases reading trends powered by Chinese publishing industry’s vitality
Saturday marked the second day of the 35th Beijing Book Fair at the China International Exhibition Center (CIEC) in the capital's Chaoyang district, but the event was still crammed with visitors and 12-year-old Sun Sirao, who came along with his parents, was one of them. He told the Global Times that he was impressed by the crowd he saw around the event when queuing to enter the crowded halls. The Beijing family was only one drop in this sea of over 100,000 visitors who had come looking for books among more than 400,000 publications on offer at the three-day event.
周六,在北京朝阳区的中国国际展览中心举办的第 35 届北京图书订货会进入第二天,但活动现场仍然挤满了参观者,与父母一起前来的 12 岁的孙思饶就是其中之一。他告诉《环球时报》记者,在排队进入拥挤的大厅时,他对参加活动的人群印象深刻。 这个北京家庭只是 10 多万名参观者中的沧海一粟,参观者们在为期三天的活动中,从 40 多万种出版物中寻找喜欢的书籍。
fair n. 集市,商品展销会;adj. 公正的
vitality n. 活力
cram v. 挤,把…塞进