Students can’t get off their phones. Schools have had enough.
2023年6月3日小于 1 分钟
When students returned to school during the pandemic, educators quickly saw a change in their cellphone habits. More than ever, they were glued
to the devices during class — posting on social media, searching YouTube, texting friends. So this year, schools in Ohio, Colorado, Maryland, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Virginia, California and others banned the devices in class to curb
student obsession
, learning disruption, disciplinary
incidents and mental health worries.
glued:目不转睛地盯着;紧贴着(glue 胶)
disciplinary:纪律的(discipline 纪律;大学学科,科目)
Ohio, Colorado, Maryland, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Virginia, California:俄亥俄州、科罗拉多州、马里兰州、康涅狄格州、宾夕法尼亚州、弗吉尼亚州、加利福尼亚州