Survivors of Turkey, Syria quake struggle to stay warm, fed
Thousands who lost their homes in a catastrophic earthquake huddled around campfires and clamored for food and water in the bitter cold, three days after the temblor and series of aftershocks hit Turkey and Syria, killing more than 17,000. Rescuers continued their race to pull more people alive from the rubble, with the window closing to find trapped survivors. While stories of miraculous rescues briefly buoyed spirits, the grim reality of the hardship facing tens of thousands who survived the disaster cast a pall. In the Turkish city of Antakya, dozens of people scrambled
for aid in front of a truck distributing children’s coats and other supplies.
在灾难性地震中失去家园的数千人蜷缩在篝火旁,在严寒中呼喊着食物和水,土耳其和叙利亚发生地震和一系列余震的三天后,死亡人数已经超过 17,000 人。 救援人员继续争分夺秒地将更多人从废墟中救出,寻找被困幸存者的窗口正在关闭。虽然奇迹般的救援故事短暂地振奋了人们的精神,但数万名在灾难中幸存下来的人所面临的严峻现实,却让人感到沮丧。在土耳其的安塔基亚市,数十人在一辆分发儿童外套和其他物资的卡车前争相寻求援助。
catastrophic adj. 灾难性的
clamor v. 高喊,大声疾呼
pall v. 阴郁的气氛