China sets GDP growth target at around 5% for 2023
2023年3月7日小于 1 分钟
China has set its annual GDP growth target at around 5 percent for 2023, as the country embarked
on a rapid economic recovery after a decisive
victory against COVID-19, while putting emphasis
on ensuring economic stability and high-quality growth, sustainable
development amid global economic volatility
and geopolitical
uncertainty. While the growth target is reportedly the lowest in dozens of years, it still means China will continue to be one of the world's fastest-growing major economies.
embark:乘船,上飞机,着手(em 进入,bark 船)
decisive:坚定的,果断的(decide 决定)
sustainable:可以支撑的,足以(sustain 维持)
volatility:挥发性,易变,短暂(volatile 挥发性,不稳定)
geopolitical:地缘政治(geo 地理)