Netizens Go Crazy For Cockroaches’ Northern Expedition
2023年8月16日小于 1 分钟
This summer, climate change has been blamed for many extreme weather events in China, from heatwaves to sandstorms. But for the country’s northern residents, perhaps the worst impact has been the increased appearance of cockroaches
. Anecdotes
by residents in northern provinces suggest that cockroaches are appearing more frequently in their homes and businesses. Meanwhile, creative netizens who are obsessed
with cockroaches are generating memes
about the insect’s northern expedition
and even creating cockroach-themed tarot cards.
cockroach 蟑螂🪳
anecdote 奇闻;传闻
obsess 着迷;神魂颠倒
meme 在社交媒体和互联网上广泛传播的图片、视频、段子或其他创意内容,通常带有幽默、讽刺、戏谑等特点(meme 是仿造 gene(基因)所创的字,所以 meme 才會跟著翻译成迷因)
expedition 远征;探险队(expedite 加速;促进)
tarot card 塔罗牌