Anti-ageing scientists extend lifespan of oldest living lab rat
Scientists working on an experimental anti-ageing therapy claim to have broken a record by extending the lifespan of a lab rat called Sima. Named after the Hindi word for “limit” or “boundary”, Sima is the last remaining survivor from a group of rodents that received infusions of blood plasma taken from young animals to see if the treatment prolonged their lives. Sima, who was born on 28 February 2019, has lived for 47 months, surpassing the 45.5 months believed to be the oldest age recorded in scientific literature for a female Sprague-Dawley rat, the researchers say. So far, Sima has outlived her closest rival in the study by nearly six months.
正在研究一种实验性抗衰老疗法的科学家声称,他们打破了一项记录,延长了一只名为 Sima 的实验室老鼠的寿命。 Sima 是以印度语中 "极限 "或 "边界 "的意思命名的,它是一群啮齿动物中最后的幸存者,这些啮齿动物接受了从年轻动物身上提取血浆的注射,科学家们想要观察这种治疗是否能延长它们的生命。研究人员说,2019 年 2 月 28 日出生的 Sima 已经活了 47 个月,超过了科学文献中记录的雌性 Sprague-Dawley 鼠 45.5 个月的最长寿命。到目前为止,Sima 已经比她在此研究中最接近的对手多活了近 6 个月。
anti-ageing 抗衰老
rodent n. 啮齿动物
prolong v. 延长