Why Do I Feel More Anxious at Night?
2023年3月26日小于 1 分钟
Whether you’re ticking
through tomorrow’s to-do list or dwelling
on past regrets
, it’s normal for worries and fears to surface at night, experts say. According to an October 2022 survey of 3,192 of adults in the United States, for instance, 34 percent of respondents
reported feeling anxious or nervous within the past month. And 32 percent said that their stress had led to changes in their sleeping habits, including difficulties with falling asleep. There’s an evolutionary purpose to evening anxiety, said Dr. Rafael Pelayo, a clinical
professor of psychiatry
and behavioral sciences in sleep medicine.
dwell on:纠结于,老是想着,停留在
psychiatry:精神病学(psych- 精神)