Chinese zoo denies its sun bears are humans dressed in costumes
2023年8月3日小于 1 分钟
A zoo in eastern China has denied suggestions that some of its bears could be humans dressed in costumes, after video of one standing on its hind legs circulated
online. In a statement published on Sunday from the perspective
of Angela, a Malaysian sun bear, zookeepers at Hangzhou zoo said: “When it comes to bears, the first thing that comes to mind is a huge figure and amazing power … But not all bears are behemoths
and danger personified. We Malayan bears are petite
, the smallest bear in the world.”
circulate 流通;循环♻️;传播
perspective 透视的
behemoth 庞然大物
personify 将抽象概念赋予人性化特征,或将某种特征或性质体现在某个人或事物上
petite 小的;次要的