Companies want to use AI tracking to make you better at your job
Imagine your workplace software could help you do a better job. It might provide feedback on your client interactions
and tell you how to seal
the deal. Perhaps it could teach you how to reduce stress at work. Or maybe it could sense
when you’re feeling isolated
and help you reconnect with your colleagues
. Would that be helpful, or too much? Some software providers and start-ups are banking
on the former, promoting
work tools that use data to combat
, reduce stress levels, and boost productivity and engagement.
It might provide feedback on your client interactions
and tell you how to seal
the deal:对你的客户的互动提供反馈,帮组你完成交易。
seal:海豹 🦭;封条;印章,引申为达成(古法语 seel,封印,图章;来自拉丁语 sigillum,小图片,小印;来自 signum,标记,记号,词源同 sign)