Forensic study finds Chilean poet Pablo Neruda was poisoned
One of the most enduring mysteries in modern Chilean history may finally have been solved after forensic experts determined that the Nobel prize-winning Chilean poet Pablo Neruda died after being poisoned with a powerful toxin, apparently confirming decades of suspicions that he was murdered. According to the official version, Neruda – who made his name as a young poet with the collection Twenty Poems of Love and a Song of Despair – died from prostate cancer and malnutrition on 23 September 1973, just 12 days after the military coup that overthrew the democratically elected socialist government of his friend, President Salvador Allende.
智利现代历史上最久远的谜团之一终于被解开,法医专家确定诺贝尔奖获得者、智利诗人巴勃罗·聂鲁达死于一种强效毒素,这显然证实了几十年来对他被人谋杀的怀疑。根据官方之前的说法,聂鲁达——作为一个年轻的诗人,以诗集《二十首情诗和一首绝望的歌》成名——于 1973 年 9 月 23 日死于前列腺癌和营养不良,就在军事政变推翻了他的朋友萨尔瓦多·阿连德总统的民选社会主义政府的 12 天后。
forensic adj. 法医的,辩论的
enduring v. 持续
toxin n. 毒素