Record number of millennials and Gen Z still living with their parents
The number of grown-up children living with parents surged to a record high as soaring costs drove Gen-Zs and millennials back into their childhood bedrooms. A total 4.9m people were living with their parents during 2021, Census data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showed, a jump of 15pc compared with the previous census in 2011. It marks an increase of 15pc since 2011 when 4.2 million adults were still living with their parents. The largest rise happened among those aged 25 to 29, suggesting it was driven by people who had left home and then moved back in with their family.
与父母同住的成年子女人数激增,创下历史新高,随着生活成本的飙升,Z 世代和千禧一代回到了他们童年的卧室。 英国国家统计局(ONS)的人口普查数据显示,2021 年期间,共有 490 万人与父母同住,与 2011 年的上一次人口普查相比,跃升了 15 个百分点。 这标志着自 2011 年以来与父母同住的成年人增加了 15 个百分点,当时有 420 万成年人仍然与父母生活在一起。最大的增长发生在 25 至 29 岁的人群中,表明这一增长是由那些离开家后又搬回自己家的人推动的。
millennials n. 千禧一代;adj. 千禧一代的
soaring adj. 高涨的,高昂的
census n. 人口普查,统计调查