Early "lady" astronomers have asteroids named in their honour
They charted the stars for pitiful
, knowing their observations about the universe would be attributed to male colleagues
, and died in relative obscurity
, their scientific achievements unrecognised and overlooked. Now, in a tribute
to trailblazing
British female astronomers, two asteroids have been named for Annie Maunder and Alice Everett, among the first women in the world to earn a living in astronomy. Maunder and Everett, who became friends while studying mathematics at Girton College in Cambridge in the 1880s, were early members of the British Astronomical Association (BAA), which put their names forward to the Catalina Sky Survey for the honour.
pitiful 可怜的;令人同情的(pity 可怜,同情)
wage 工资
colleague 同事
obscurity 身份低微;阴暗;鲜为人知
obscure 费解的;鲜为人知的
tribute 对某人或某事的敬意或赞美
trailblazing 开创性的、具有先导作用的(trail 痕迹;路径;blaze 火把;照亮前路)
asteroid 小行星