Fukushima: wastewater from ruined nuclear plant to be released from Thursday, Japan says
Japan is to begin releasing wastewater from the wrecked
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant from Thursday, in defiance
of opposition from fishing communities, China and some scientists. The prime minister, Fumio Kishida, has said that disposing
of more than 1m tonnes of water being stored at the site is an essential part of the long and complex process to decommission
the plant. But the plan, announced by Kishida on Tuesday, has caused controversy
because the water contains tritium
, a radioactive substance that can’t be removed by the facility’s
water filtration technology.
wreck 失事;破坏
defiance 蔑视
defy 蔑视;挑衅
dispose 处理;放置;排列(dis- 分开;pos- 放;分开放,处理,排列)
decommission 使退役
commission 委员会;正式委托;军官职务;vt 任命为...军官;委托
controversy 辩论(contro- 相反;vers- 转;反驳)
tritium 氚
facility 设备