$276 million was spent on 31 Spanish trains before it was realized they were too big to fit in the tunnels
Spanish transport services are going back to the drawing board after spending millions of euros on new commuter trains that are too large to fit in tunnels of the rail network. Two senior officials in the Spanish transport industry were fired earlier this week after local news outlet El Comercio reported last month that the government had spent €258 million (about $276 million) on unusable trains. The 31 trains were meant to replace older ones in the north of Spain — on a route that connected the Cantabria and Asturias regions.
在花费数百万欧元购买新的通勤列车后,西班牙的交通服务部门重回规划阶段,这些列车尺寸太大,无法通过铁路网的隧道。在当地新闻媒体《商业报》(El Comercio)上个月报道,政府在无法使用的列车上花费了 2.58 亿欧元(约 2.76 亿美元)后,西班牙运输部门的两名高级官员本周早些时候被解雇。这 31 辆列车是为了替换西班牙北部的老旧列车,这些列车在连接坎塔布里亚和阿斯图里亚斯地区的铁路上运营。
tunnel n. 隧道,地下通道
commuter train 通勤列车
outlet n. 出口,出路,市场