Unopened first-generation iPhone set to sell for $50,000 at US auction
A first generation, unopened 2007 iPhone is expected to sell for more than $50,000 when it goes to auction on Thursday. The phone was given to Karen Green as a gift when she got a new job. But Green already had a new phone, and moreover, the iPhone was not compatible with her existing cellular network. Rather than open the iPhone, Green stuck it on a shelf. It remained there, “wrapped in a pair of felt pajamas”, for years. In October, Green heard that a first generation iPhone from 2007 had sold for $39,339.60. The cosmetic tattoo artist contacted LCG Auctions, the auction house that handled the sale and had found itself inundated by owners of old iPhones.
一台未拆封的 2007 年的初代 iPhone 在周四登上了拍卖会,并拍出了 5 万美金的预计售价。在 Karen Green 找到新工作的时候,有人送给她这台手机作为礼物。但 Green 已经有了一台新手机,而且这台 iPhone 与她现有的移动网络并不适配。Green 并没有拆封这台 iPhone,而是把它塞到了架子上。数年来,它一直在那里,“被一套毛毡睡衣包裹着”。十月,Green 听说 2007 年的初代 iPhone 可以被卖出 39,339.6 美元的高价。 这位纹绣师随后联系了促成这场交易的 LCG 拍卖行,这家交易行几乎被老款 iPhone 的拥有者淹没了。
auction n. v. 拍卖
cellular network 移动网络,蜂窝网络
felt n. 毛毡,油毡