How — and why — you should increase your social network as you age
What can older adults who have lost their closest friends and family members do as they contemplate
the future without them? If, as research has found, good relationships are essential to health and well-being in later life, what happens when connections forged
over the years end? It would be foolish to suggest these relationships can be easily replaced: They cannot. There’s no substitute
for people who’ve known you a long time, who understand you deeply. Still, opportunities to create bonds
with other people exist. “It’s never too late to develop meaningful relationships,” said Robert Waldinger, a clinical
professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.
substitute:代理;替代者(sub 下面 + stitut- = set up 建立,放)
bond:捆绑物;结合;债卷(bond- = to bind 捆绑,系)