Man fatally dragged by Metro train after dog leash is caught in doors
2023年2月19日小于 1 分钟
A man died Wednesday after he was dragged by a Metro train when a dog’s leash that was attached to him became caught in the doors, transit officials said. Metro spokesman Ian Jannetta said the incident occurred shortly before 1:30 p.m., when Metro’s Rail Operations Control Center and transit police received a report of a person being dragged by a train at the Dunn Loring station in Fairfax County. Jannetta said the man was taken to a hospital, where he died of his injuries.
地铁公司官员说,一名男子周三被一列地铁列车拖拽,当时拴在他身上的遛狗狗链被车门夹住,导致他死亡。地铁公司发言人 Ian Jannetta 说,事件发生在下午 1:30 前不久,当时地铁公司的铁路运营控制中心和交通警察接到报告,称有人在费尔法克斯县的 Dunn Loring 车站被火车拖拽。Jannetta 说,该男子被送往医院,在那里因伤势过重而死亡。
leash n. 牵狗带,限制
attach v. 固定,附上
transit n. 运输,通过