Magnitude 7.2 earthquake strikes Tajikistan, near border with China
2023年2月24日小于 1 分钟
An earthquake of about 7.2 magnitude occurred in Tajikistan at around 8:37 a.m., at a depth of 10 km (6 miles), Chinese state television CCTV reported on Thursday,citing the China Earthquake Networks Center. The epicenter is about 82 km from the nearest border with China and was strongly felt in Kashgar and Artux in the western part of the Xinjiang region, CCTV reported. The average elevation within 5 km of the epicenter is about 4,655 meters (15,300 feet), according to CCTV.
中国国家电视台 CCTV 周四援引中国地震台网中心的消息报道,上午 8 点 37 分左右,塔吉克斯坦发生约 7.2 级地震,震源深度为 10 公里。 中央电视台报道称,震中距离最近的中国边境约 82 公里,新疆维吾尔自治区西部地区的喀什和阿图什有强烈震感。据中央电视台报道,震中 5 公里内的平均海拔高度约为 4655 米。
strike v. 打击,袭击
depth n. 深度,强烈
epicenter n. 震中,中心