Global Economy Shows Signs of Winter Resilience
Business activity in the U.S., the eurozone and the U.K. picked up in February, a boost for the global economy and a sign of resilience. Surveys of manufacturers and service providers released Tuesday also pointed to an easing of supply problems, with companies reporting that raw material and component costs rose at the slowest pace since the fall of 2020. Wage pressures remained elevated, however. The surveys from S&P Global add to recent signs of renewed economic strength on both sides of the Atlantic and possibly diminished risks of a global recession this year.
美国、欧元区和英国的商业活动在 2 月份有所回升,这既是对全球经济的一针强心剂,也显示出了经济的韧性。周二公布的对制造商和服务提供商的调查也表明,供应链问题有所缓解,企业报告称原材料和零部件成本的增长速度,为 2020 年秋季以来最慢。然而,工资压力仍然很高。标普全球(S&P Global)的调查也佐证了近期大西洋两岸经济实力的恢复,今年全球经济衰退的风险可能减少。
eurozone n. 欧元区
boost n. 促进,增长
component n. 零件,要素