Boy survives 100ft Grand Canyon fall after dodging tourist photo
2023年8月16日小于 1 分钟
A 13-year-old boy has survived after slipping
and falling nearly 100ft (30m) at the Grand
in the US state of Arizona. It took rescue crews two hours to pull Wyatt Kauffman to safety on Tuesday after falling off a ledge
at the popular tourist site's North Rim. He was flown to hospital with serious injuries but has since been discharged
. Wyatt told a local television station he had fallen while moving out of the way so people could take pictures. He said he had been squatting
down and holding onto a rock with one hand when he lost his grip and started to fall back.
canyon 峡谷
ledge 悬崖突出的部分;这里指悬崖峭壁
squat 蹲下
squat down 蹲下