Hawaii fires: tourists warned against travelling to Maui in wake of disaster
Officials in Hawaii have urged tourists to avoid traveling to Maui, as many hotels prepared to house evacuees
and first responders on the island after wildfires killed more than 90 people and destroyed hundreds of homes. About 46,000 residents and visitors have flown
out of Kahului Airport in West Maui since the scale of the devastation
in the historic town of Lahaina became clear
on Wednesday, according to the Hawaii Tourism Authority. “In the weeks ahead, the collective resources and attention of the federal, state and county government, the West Maui community, and the travel industry must be focused on the recovery of residents who were forced to evacuate
their homes and businesses,” the agency said in a statement late Saturday.
urge 强烈要求;冲动
evacuate 疏散;排泄
evacuee 被迫撤离者;被迫疏散者
flown fly的过去分词
devastate 毁坏(vast- = empty,空)
devastation 毁灭
clear 这里指受灾规模变得清晰