What Type Of Sleeper Are You? Here Are The Benefits Of Each
Most of us have a side we prefer to sleep on. Yes, we move around in our sleep but there’s usually that one side that we continuously fall back on
. And if lying on a certain side is your fail-safe
, there are a few factors to consider. As herbal
expert Ali Ramadan explained on TikTok, there are a handful of benefits to sleeping on the left side of your body. According to Heathline
, sleeping on your left side is thought to have the most benefits to overall health. Ramadan explained in the video that “when we sleep on the left side, the stomach and its gastric
remain lower than the oesophagus
,” which can help to reduce heartburn
and digestive upset.
herbal:草药的(herb- 草)
gastric:胃的(gastr- = stomach,胃)
oesophagus:食道(esophag- 食管)