A rice shortage is sending prices soaring across the world
2023年8月25日小于 1 分钟
Rice prices surged
to their highest in almost 12 years, after India’s rice export ban and adverse
weather conditions dented
production and supplies of Asia’s primary staple
food, according to the UN’s food agency. Other than India, food inflation has been relatively tame
in Asia so far this year. But a confluence
of factors is stoking
fears that shortage of rice supplies could mark a return to a broad increase in the prices of other food commodities
in Asia.
soar 翱翔
surge 汹涌澎湃(原意是自下而上升起)
adverse 不利的;敌对的;相反的
dent 凹下去
staple 订书钉;主食;主要部分
tame 驯服;温和
confluence 合集;人群
stoke 煽动;激起
commodity 农产品