Corgis parade outside Buckingham Palace to remember Queen Elizabeth II a year since her death
2023年9月5日小于 1 分钟
The changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace may draw tourists from far and wide, but on Sunday visitors to the landmark
were treated to a different sort of spectacle
: a parade
of corgis dressed up in crowns
, tiaras
and royal outfits. Around 20 royal fans and their pet corgis gathered to walk their dogs outside the palace in central London to remember Queen Elizabeth II a year since her death. Corgis were the late queen’s constant companions since she was a child, and Elizabeth owned around 30 throughout her life. Generations of the dogs descended
from Susan, a corgi that was given to the queen on her 18th birthday.
landmark 地标建筑
spectacle 引人羡慕的东西,景象,场面
parade 游行
crown 王冠👑
tiara 头饰品
descend 下降;世代相传;后裔