Nearly 600,000 gallons of wine wash down the street in Portuguese town
Residents in a Portuguese village woke up to an almost biblical
scene on Sunday morning. The streets were impassable
, replaced by a raging
river of close to 600,000 gallons of red wine. After two wine tanks belonging to a local distillery
, enough booze
flowed down the roads of São Lourenço do Bairro to fill an Olympic-size pool — and to spark
fears from local leaders about possible environmental damage. Though wine flooded the streets of the town of some 2,200 people for most of the day, firefighters were able to divert
the liquid before it gushed
into the nearby Cértima River.
biblical 圣经的(bible 圣经)
impasse 困境(不能通过,僵局)
impassable 不能通行的;不可逾越的
raging 愤怒的(rage 愤怒);形容水流很急
distillery 蒸馏室;酒厂(distill 蒸馏)
burst 爆发;破裂
booze 对酒精饮料的非正式称呼,通常指含酒精的饮品,如酒、烈酒等
spark 火花;闪光;vt 发动,激发
divert 使转向(di- 偏离;vert- 转)
gush 涌出;滔滔不绝说话