The world’s largest – and stinkiest – flower in danger of extinction, scientists say
, elusive
and emitting
an overwhelming odour
of putrefying
, Rafflesia – often called the corpse
flower – has intrigued
for centuries. Now, scientists are warning that it is at risk of extinction and calling for action to save it. The blooms of the Rafflesia have become famous for their odour of decaying
meat, produced to attract flesh-eating flies. But the genus
– which includes the largest flowers in the world, at more than a metre
across – is at risk due to the destruction of forest habitats in south-east Asia. There are 42 species of Rafflesia, and researchers warn that all of them are under threat, with 25 classified as critically endangered and 15 as endangered.
stink 发出臭味;名声臭
parasitic 寄生的
elusive 难以琢磨的;神出鬼没的
emit 发表;发行
odour 气味;名声,名誉
putrefy 腐烂;堕落
flesh 肉
corpse 尸体
intrigue 阴谋;密谋;激起好奇心(trig- = petty,obstacle,小障碍)
political intrigue 政治阴谋
botanist 植物学家(botany 植物学;botan- = herb,草)
decay 衰退;腐败
genus 种类
metre 【英】米(meter 米,美式拼写)