Climate crisis leading to more turbulence during flights
2023年6月13日小于 1 分钟
The climate crisis is leading to more turbulence
during flights, driving up costs and increasing the risks for passengers and crew, according to new research.The study found that warmer air, caused by carbon
, is creating bumpier
flights around the world with severe
turbulence in the North Atlantic up by 55% since 1979. The study’s co-author Mark Prosser, from the University of Reading, said every additional minute spent travelling through turbulence increased the wear and tear
on an aircraft, as well as the risk of injuries to passengers and flight attendants.
turbulence:混乱;动荡;紊流(turbulent 混乱的,动荡的)
carbon:碳(carb- 碳)
bumpy:颠簸的,崎岖不平的(bump 撞击)
wear and tear:磨损