Tourists furious after restaurant in Italy adds €2 charge for cutting sandwich in half
2023年8月13日小于 1 分钟
It is a holiday tale
designed to court
: a tourist in a cafe in Italy has been charged an extra €2 for the privilege
of having his sandwich cut in half. The customer just wanted to share the sandwich with his girlfriend, but when the bill arrived it listed the mysterious service “diviso a metà” at the price of €2. A snapshot of the receipt
went viral
, prompting Italian newspapers to question the owner of the cafe – Bar Pace in Lake Como – who defended the surcharge
. “To cut it in half took us some time, and work must be paid for,” she said.
tale 故事;陈述
court 法庭;vt. 招致
rage 愤怒;暴怒
outrage 暴行
privilege 特权
receipt 收据;收入
go viral 想病毒那样疯狂传播
surcharge 超载;附加罚款(sur- 超出;charge- = to load,装载)