Worries over seafood safety mount as Japan releases Fukushima water into the Pacific
2023年8月30日小于 1 分钟
Japan began releasing water from its crippled
Fukushima nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean Thursday over the objections
of local fishermen and the government of neighboring China. The move has led to criticism, particularly from fishermen, that the decision to release the water was made without enough public debate and input from Japan's northeast Tohoku region, despite its outsize contribution to the capital's supply of labor, seafood and energy. China announced a ban on imports of all aquatic
products originating from Japan starting Thursday.
mount 安装上,登上;加剧
cripple a. 残废的;破损的;跛的(瘸子)(词源同creep,爬行,蠕动,潜行)
objection 反对
input 这里指意见、建议或参与
aquatic 水生动物(aqua- = water,水)