How Hybrid Work Is Changing Offices of the Future
Workplaces look like your living room; flexible, multiuse spaces; outdoor terraces. Today’s new hybrid work styles are reshaping the office buildings of tomorrow. Leading architects and real-estate developers are pioneering concepts aimed at workers who are splitting their time between home and office, and they predict these innovations will become mainstream in the years to come. The rethinking of office design comes as the return of employees to office buildings remains sluggish, reflecting new remote and hybrid workplace strategies. Workers’ office use on average is around 50% of prepandemic levels in 10 major U.S. cities.
这些工作场所看起来像你的客厅一样:有灵活、多用途的空间,还有户外露台。今天,新的混合办公方式正在重塑未来的写字楼。 走在前沿的建筑师和房地产开发商,正在为那些在家庭和办公室之间分身乏术的工作者开创新概念,他们预测这些创新将在未来几年成为主流。因为员工重返工作的写字楼时并不积极,所以他们对办公空间设计的重新思考,这也反映了新的远程和混合工作空间的策略。而在美国 10 个主要城市中,员工办公室平均使用率约为新冠疫情前的 50%。
hybrid adj. 混合的;n. 杂交作物,混合物
terrace n. 露台,排屋,梯田
split v. 把…分开,分担