Alarming toxic ‘forever chemicals’ found in animals’ blood
Hundreds of animal species across the globe from ticks to whales have blood contaminated with toxic PFAS, a new analysis of previous peer-reviewed research shows. Though the analysis does not aim to reveal how the exposure to PFAS affects wildlife, anecdotal evidence in some of the previous studies show the chemicals are likely sickening animals. Researchers have found the chemicals in a range of species such as scorpions, pandas, Siberian tigers, turtles, horses, dogs, plankton, sea lions, wild boar, otters and oysters.
从蜱虫到鲸鱼,全球数百种动物的血液都被有毒的 PFAS(全氟及多氟烷基化合物)污染,对此前经过同行评议的研究进行的一项新分析表明了这一点。 尽管该分析的目的不是为了揭示接触 PFAS 对野生动物的影响,但以前的一些轶事证据(anecdotal evidence)显示,这些化学品很可能使动物生病。研究人员已经在很多物种中发现了这些化学品,如蝎子、大熊猫、西伯利亚虎、海龟、马、狗、浮游生物、海狮、野猪、水獭和牡蛎。
alarming adj. 令人担忧的,使人惊慌的
contaminate v. 污染,毒害
peer-review v. 同行评议