US conducted "multi-decade" secret UFO program, ex-intelligence official says
The US government conducted a “multi-decade” program which collected, and attempted to reverse-engineer, crashed UFOs, a former American intelligence official told a remarkable congressional hearing on Wednesday. David Grusch, who led analysis of unexplained anomalous
phenomena (UAP) within a US Department of Defense agency until 2023, told the House oversight committee in Washington that “non-human” beings had been found, as the issue of alien life received its highest-profile airing
to date. The hearing was prompted by claims from Grusch in June that the government was secretly harboring
alien space craft. On Wednesday, Grusch repeated some of those claims – although not all – under oath
anomalous 不规则的;异常的
committee 委员会
commit 委托
airing n.兜风
harbor 避难所;庇护
under oath 宣誓下