Discount Duel: China’s Top Retail Giants Go Head-to-Head on Prices
2023年8月18日小于 1 分钟
Beginning August, Walmart-owned Sam’s Club and Alibaba’s Freshippo — China’s leading supermarket giants — have been striving
to outdo
each other in an intensifying
tit-for-tat price war aimed at enhancing their market dominance and attracting more consumers. According to China Economic Weekly, the price war began on Aug. 1 when Freshippo, known as Hema in Chinese, cut the price of its durian layer cake from 128 yuan ($17.60) to 98.90 yuan in Beijing and Shanghai. Soon after, Sam’s Club reduced the price of the same cake to 98.80 yuan.
walmart 沃尔玛
Freshippo 盒马生鲜
strive 努力;奋斗;斗争
outdo 超越
intensify 加强
tit-for-tat 以牙还牙
durian layer cake 榴莲千层蛋糕