Carmakers and the United Auto Workers are talking. No signs of a breakthrough to end the strike
2023年9月21日小于 1 分钟
The United Auto Workers and Detroit’s Big Three carmakers resumed talks aimed at ending a strike now in its fourth day, and under the threat that the walkout
could soon spread. Stellantis said it resumed negotiations
with the union Monday and described the talks as “constructive.” A spokesman for General Motors said representatives
of the company and the United Auto Workers also were continuing to negotiate. However, UAW President Shawn Fain said on NPR, “We have a long way to go,” and if the companies don’t respond to the union’s demands, “then we will escalate
United Auto Workers UAW 汽车工人联合会
walkout 罢工
negotiate v 谈判
negotitation n 谈判
represent 表示;描绘,讲述;回忆;再次上演
representative 代表
escalate 逐步扩大(escal- = ladder,梯子,一级一级)