Donald Trump Tops iTunes Charts: 'Wow!'
A song by a group of men who were incarcerated
as a result of their involvement in the January 6 Capitol attack has risen to number 1 on the iTunes singles chart, besting the likes of Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga and Rihanna for the top spot. "Justice
for All" by the J6 Prison Choir, featuring the voice of Donald Trump, is aimed at "supporting certain prisoners denied their constitutional
rights," and consists of a rendition
of "The Star-Spangled Banner" interspersed
with the former president's pledge
of allegiance
. Trump has previously called for the January 6 rioters
to be released, saying they had been treated unfairly and that e would consider pardoning their sentences should his 2024 presidential bid be successful.
一群因参与 1 月 6 日国会大厦袭击事件而入狱的人演唱的歌曲在 iTunes 单曲榜上升至第一,超过了麦莉·赛勒斯、Lady Gaga 和蕾哈娜等人的作品登顶榜首。“J6 监狱合唱团”的《所有人享有正义》,以唐纳德·特朗普的声音为特色,旨在“支持某些被剥夺宪法权利的囚犯”,由合唱团演唱的《星条旗永不落》和前总统特朗普朗诵的效忠宣誓穿插而成。 特朗普此前曾呼吁释放参加 1 月 6 日暴乱的暴徒,称他们受到了不公平的对待,如果他在 2024 年的总统竞选中获胜,他将考虑赦免他们的刑期。
chart n. 排行榜,图表
incarcerate v. 关押
rendition n. 表演,演绎