Rare dinosaur "Barry" up for sale at Paris auction
2023年9月21日小于 1 分钟
An almost complete dinosaur skeleton
will be sold at auction in Paris next month. The 150 million-year-old camptosaurus
was discovered in the 1990s in the US state of Wyoming. It was named Barry after Barry James, the palaeontologist
who found it. Experts say the skeleton is "extremely well preserved". It is expected to fetch up to €1.2m in an auction at Hotel Drouot on 20 October. Barry dates back to the late Jurassic period and measures 2.1m tall and 5m long. Alexandre Giquello, from the auction house Hotel Drouot, said it was unusual to see a dinosaur skeleton so intact
skeleton 骨干;骨骼
camptosaurus 弯龙属
paleontologist 古生物学家(pale- = old,onto- 存在)
intact 完好无损的(tact- = touch,接触)