Paralysed man walks using device that reconnects brain with muscles
2023年5月28日小于 1 分钟
A man who was paralysed
in a cycling accident in 2011 has been able to stand and walk with an aid after doctors implanted
a device that reads his brain waves and sends instructions to his spine
to move the right muscles. Gert-Jan Oskam, 40, was told he would never walk again after breaking his neck in a traffic accident, but has climbed stairs
and walked for more than 100 metres at a time since having the operation. “A few months ago, I was able, for the first time after 10 years, to stand up and have a beer
with my friends,” said Oskam. “That was pretty cool. I want to use it in my daily life.”
spine:脊柱(spine- 脊柱,原意为刺)
beer:啤酒 🍺