World’s first IVF rhino pregnancy "could save northern white species"
2024年1月28日小于 1 分钟
The world’s first pregnancy
in a rhinoceros
through IVF could save the most endangered species on the planet, scientists hope. Northern white rhinos are functionally extinct
, with just two females remaining after the last male died in 2018. Now in a major breakthrough an international group of scientists and conservationists
has successfully transferred an embryo into a southern white rhino surrogate. Although the mother named Curra died within a few months of conception
it marks a proof of concept which opens the door to transferring northern white rhino embryos.
pregnant 怀孕的
pregnancy 怀孕
rhinoceros 犀牛
rhino 犀牛;现金💰
extinct 灭绝
conservationist 保护主义者
conception 概念;还有受孕的意思
conception 强调的是受精过程的开始阶段,而 pregnancy 则是涵盖了整个怀孕过程,从受精卵着床到分娩