Don’t shoot for it: shrinking moon sees hours-long quakes and landslides
2024年2月8日小于 1 分钟
The constancy of the moon in the night sky belies
a more volatile
reality, researchers said in new Nasa-funded research. As the core of the Earth’s only natural satellite cools, the moon is shrinking, causing it to shrivel
. That creates ripples
tens of meters high, called thrust
faults, across the moon’s surface. In turn, those thrust faults can be the site of hours-long moonquakes and landslides, which could imperil
people and robots as humans continue to explore the moon.
landslide 山崩
belie 掩饰
volatile 不稳定性的
shrivel 枯萎;干瘪
ripple 涟漪
thrust 冲刺;刺入
fault 这里是“断层”的意思
imperil 使处于危险(peril 危险)
perilous 濒危的